Full Moon in Gemini: Reimagine
Posted by Jean Nitchals on
It's hard to believe we are approaching the end of 2021! Everyone ready? Insert *NSYNC “Bye, Bye, Bye”.
As I sit here writing, I’m reminded of the Pharrell Williams song “Happy” and that light, lively feeling you get when you listen to the song? Here is a quick refresher of the refrain in case you may have forgotten!
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I’m happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I’m happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
(Because I’m happy)
As the song goes on, the refrain (or mantra) of happiness lightens the mood and raises the energy in any room. This Full Moon in Gemini is days before the Winter Solstice making the final full moon of 2021 super expansive with a focus on happiness! This can be something little like splurging on a chai tea from your favorite local coffee shop, to deciding in 2022 you’ll find a new job aligned with your passion or a better culture fit. If you can imagine it, you can manifest it!
The focus here is on reimagining all aspects of your life to determine what is lifting you up (raising your vibration) and what’s holding you back or keeping you stagnant. Happiness comes from deep within. A few key words to consider on your path:
Curiosity: rediscovering that inner child and asking the world the “5 whys” of exploration and discovery.
Intuition: connecting to your inner knowing to explore what truly makes you feel alive, present, focused, and creative.
Imagination: exploring all of the possibilities and reimagining what’s possible in your journey of discovery, growth, accomplishment and authentic happiness.
The break-down, what does this really mean and how can you apply this to your life?
This Full Moon in Gemini is asking us to explore the balance between our logical self and our intuitive self. Too far on either extreme creates an imbalance. Discover, and listen to your personal truth and inner knowing, as it compares to the collective truth and learnings that surround you!
Now for the deep stuff for those of you looking for a little more understanding. Think of Gemini as the Twins ♊️ and each side of the twin needs something slightly different . Since the Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius, a part of us is focused on gathering knowledge, exploring the possibilities around us and within the world and pushing the boundaries of our own personal freedom. As the moon opposes the sun in the sign of Gemini, the other part of us is more focused on our emotional self —wanting to communicate how we feel, share and understand them these emotions, especially intellectually.
What might you do to take full advantage of this next moon cycle?
- Take time to explore your own personal transformation and REIMAGINE your own possibilities
- Gather new insights and ways of thinking: take an online course (try my favorite Master Class!), seek out a new podcast, or read a new book or magazine that expands upon your curious mind.
- Do something spontaneous!! Stop planning everyday and allow yourself to find freedom in the lack of planning, and do something outside your comfort zone to expand yourself.
It seems that we are on the cusp of big change. Remember this is your time to be mindful, compassionate, grateful, and curious. It is a time of personal expansion. Find time to bring intention into your daily practices (or let’s be honest— weekly, monthly or when it feels right!) to rediscover what truly makes you happy at a soul level, they why behind your love of a good chai tea or the inner knowing that you are more than enough.
Reimagine your happiness and rediscover the magic you carry within, and the gift you give to the world. Happy Full Moon!
Supplies: candle, pencil/pen, paper.
To get started:
Find a quiet space, get comfortable and light your candle if you brought one.
Begin with a small 10 or 15 minute meditation to quiet your mind and connect with your
own energy. Letting all distractions, to-do lists and any judgement go.
Now that you are present, grab your paper and pencil. Begin writing until no more thoughts come to your mind for each of the 3 sections below. Spend 1-2 minutes per focus area, separate pieces of paper for each, as follows:
a. GRATITUDE: Write down all of the areas of your life, people, things, experiences you
are grateful for today, in 2021 and within your life.
Once complete. Read through your list and feel the gratitude fill your heart and your thoughts.
b. RELEASE: Write down all of the self-judgements, criticisms and conflicting emotions
holding you back from achieving your goals, intentions, happiness, truth. Write down everything!
Once complete. Give gratitude to yourself for your honesty and to all of the challenges that have presented themselves as opportunities for you to grow.
Next: tear up this paper and let it go!
c. MANIFEST: Write down all of the intentions, feelings, emotions, opportunities you want to bring into your life that will bring you AUTHENTIC happiness.
Think about this. If you find yourself manifesting a new job, what is the happiness that opportunity will bring into your life? Take time to discover the foundation of what the opportunity truly creates.
For example: Trust me, I would love to manifest a room full of athletic gear, but that won’t truly make me happy long-term. That being said, the opportunity to move my body in new ways to explore life or designing a new eco-friendly workout gear will.
Once complete, allow yourself 5-10 minutes of quiet and reflection on your ritual. Fold up the Gratitude and Manifest papers and keep them somewhere you’ll remember. This is an experience you don't want to forget!